Editor, Mots d'Elles / Founder - Creative Director, Coloré Design.
What is one of your biggest accomplishments so far?
With Coloré Design, it's definitely having one of my designs included in a current exhibition at the Costume Museum of Quebec. For Mots d'Elles, it's winning the award for "Best Business Blog" in Canada in 2013.
Do you have a piece of advice for aspiring young men and women who wish to be successful in your field?
Be consistent. Surround yourself with the right people at the right time. Always aim higher than your competitors.
Can you tell us whether and how your background has been an asset in your career?
My background had been a great asset in developing my career. I studied in Entrepreneurship and working as a counselor right after has given me the perfect tools and connections to understand Montreal's start-up ecosystem. It has also given me the right amount of information to start my blog and write for magazines such as Les Affaires.
What is the most inspiring quote you have ever heard?
We become what we think about. “Earl Nightingale”.
Buddha also said something similar. “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”