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Daye Kaba, Partner

Daye Kaba, Partner, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

What do you like most about your job?
My job has given me the opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the legal aspects of the mining sector, including how financing is obtained and how mining contracts are negotiated. In my view the mining sector is a fascinating sector replete with interesting and colorful individuals, from the geologist who spends months in the “bush” looking for the next big find, to the promoters who try to get investors interested, to the investment banker who help raise the financing or the bay street lawyer who help structure and negotiate transactions. In addition, considering that the economy of the majority of African countries is largely dependent on natural resources and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future, I believe that my job puts in a position to do my part to bridge the knowledge gap between the continent and investors who come from places such as Canada, Australia or elsewhere.

Do you have a piece of advice for aspiring young men and women who wish to be successful in your field?
I think if I had a piece of advice it would be to be consistent in your efforts and perseverant. My field, as is the case for many others, is competitive. In my view, it is important to persevere through the ups and downs even when you are not yet seeing the fruits of your efforts.

Can you tell us whether and how your background has been an asset in your career?
Being from another country, I think one’s background can be both an obstacle and an asset. It is an obstacle inasmuch as one generally does not have the network in Canada that your colleagues have. So as far as business development is concerned, from the lawyer’s perspective, it can be more difficult to build the relationships to generate work. On the other hand, it is an asset because it immediately sets you apart from your colleagues; it may mean that you speak more than one language; usually means that you have a better ability to adapt culturally and have a better cultural sensitivity, and also may mean that you have a network outside of Canada. The key is to focus on the advantages and to seek to take full advantage of them, though I will admit that it is sometimes easier said than done. I believe that one way to make our background an asset is to make sure that we network effectively, including among ourselves as young African professionals. This is the reason why I think that the Manyatta club is such a great initiative, and hope that we can continue to grow it.

How to reach you ? 
Your website: Daye Kaba

And also…
Forbes Afrique recently featured Daye Kaba on his career with Fasken Martineau and his advisory role in high-level financial transactions. Congratulations!
Click here to read the article.