Community Organizations
Manyatta Cares rests on our philosophy of active, productive and fun networking events and showcases individuals and organizations who are dedicated to serving our community. In 2016 Manyatta partnered with WoodGreen Community Services and the Canada Africa Partnership Network to fundraise for their respective initiatives.
WoodGreen Community Services (“Woodgreen”) is an umbrella organization that served the community for 75 years in providing affordable housing, helping newcomers to settle in Canada, and most especially in providing training to youths of African descent to help them find meaningful employment and have a positive impact in their community in Toronto.
“Rites of Passage”, the specific project we are fundraising for, brings 20 young people of African descent into responsible adulthood every year. Based in Parma Court, a social housing community in Victoria Village, one of Toronto’s “priority neighborhoods”, this 12 month program is based on a well-tested, internationally recognized afro-centric curriculum and includes volunteering, leadership training and employment.
CAP NETWORK - Bridging Worlds Through Music
Founded in 2013, The Canada Africa Partnership Network (“CAP Network”) facilitates partnerships between Canadian and African communities providing capacity building and resources to support locally developed, community-driven projects. Bridging Worlds Through Music (BWTM) supports efforts to provide free music education to youth in Geita, Tanzania. Operated by local teachers and musicians, BWTM-Tanzania aims to empower young people through music. Experiential group music lessons in Geita support youth in developing important life skills such as team-work, communication and creative problem-solving. Additionally, BWTM builds community capacity in Geita through training local teachers, promoting volunteerism and offering youth mentorship programs.